A collection of various pest control products scattered on a carpeted floor, including bottles of different sizes and colors with labels that are not clearly visible. In the foreground, there is a white spray bottle with a brown nozzle and a blue pump bottle with a white cap. Some insects, including cockroaches, can be seen on the carpet. The sunlight highlights the contours of the products, indicating a bright day.

How to get rid of carpet beetles – Complete guide

If you find any signs of carpet beetle infestation in your home, use natural and chemical methods to get rid of them. Getting rid of carpet beetles is not as easy as it seems, but taking immediate action prevents you from severe damage. 

Proper inspection and identification of carpet beetles is quite important. If they infest your home, they lay eggs everywhere. Carpet beetles damage any fabric e.g. tablecloths, carpets, rugs, curtains, blankets, clothing, etc. They lay eggs and their larvae cause severe damage so try to remove their eggs before they hatch. Getting rid of adult carpet beetles will also help because they are easy to eliminate and less dangerous. This article will suggest different treatments for “how to get rid of carpet beetles” and how to prevent their return.

Different types of carpet beetles

Multiple types of carpet beetles can infest your carpet. It is important to know “what are carpet beetles” and how to prevent them from infesting. 

If you notice small beetles in your carpet, you should know “what do carpet beetles look like?” To answer this question below are 4 types of carpet beetles; let’s have a look at them.

Varied carpet beetle

This beetle is about 3.5 millimeters. You can identify it easily because of its round shape and fine scales spotted with yellow, brown or white. 

Fur carpet beetle

Close-up of a bee with a light-colored head, black and orange striped pattern, and large clear eyes. The bee's wings are retracted, showing a smooth texture. The bee is positioned on a textured surface, possibly fabric. Predominant colors are beige and brown.

Fur carpet beetles may have a size up to 6 millimeters. They have black, red or brown shells. Also, both of its wings have a distinctive white patch. 

Furniture carpet beetle

The color and size of furniture carpet beetles are the same as varied carpet beetles. However, furniture carpet beetles have yellow scales on their body with long hair-like protrusions. 

Black carpet beetle

This species of beetle has a hard black shell. They can only reach a size of 5 millimeters. The lifespan of black carpet beetles is only a few weeks. 

Based on the above-mentioned features, you can identify the types of beetles that infest your carpet. 

Presence of Carpet Beetles

Carpet beetles are present in places where natural fibers are present. You can find larvae of carpet beetles in folds of fabric e.g. collars, hems, and cuffs of clothing. If you have old clothing items that are stored for a long time, they may attract carpet beetles e.g. old tablecloths. You can find carpet beetles in enclosed or dark areas such as drawers, closets etc. Finding their source will tell you about “how to get rid of carpet bugs”. 

Signs of Infestation

It is not easy to identify the presence of carpet beetles because of their small size. However, you can identify the infestation by the damage they caused. Below are a few signs to identify the carpet beetle infestation;

  • Bare spots in rugs, blankets and wool clothing items. 
  • Presence of larvae skin near furniture, under rugs, around lint or pet hair. 
  • Small brown or black droppings under furniture or below your wardrobe. 

Step-by-Step Guide to get rid of Carpet Bugs

Carpet beetles can’t go away easily from your home. You have to opt for the right method to get rid of them. If you leave them unchecked, they can grow in numbers, eventually causing you damage. 

Inspection and Identification of Carpet Beetles

The most important step in getting rid of carpet beetles is to identify them. Do a proper inspection of the suspected area and find out their presence. After identifying them, you will be able to apply the right preventive techniques. 

Apart from identifying carpet beetles, you should also identify whether these are larvae or adults. Do research or get help from a professional. 

Eliminate the sources of carpet beetles

A close-up view of a vacuum cleaner's black brush roll positioned on a carpeted surface covered with fallen leaves. The sunlight illuminates the scene, highlighting the texture of the carpet fibers and the leaves. The vacuum appears to be in the process of cleaning, creating a clean and serene environment despite the presence of leaves.

Identifying the source of carpet beetles is quite important. If you can’t find them, get connected with a reputed pest control company for their services. They will assist you in identifying the source of carpet beetles and how to control them. Below are some of the entry points of carpet beetles. Try to fix them and get rid of these tiny creatures. 

  • Seal your windows and doors as adult carpet beetles can fly inside. 
  • Carpet beetles can come with fresh-cut flowers. So make sure to gently shake them before taking them home. 
  • Larvae are more dangerous than the adult carpet beetles. So you have to remove their food sources to get rid of them e.g. remove human and pet hairs, seeds, books, flour and grains. 
  • Clothing items made up of wool, leather, silk, furs, feathers, etc can serve as a food source for carpet beetles. They attract carpet beetles particularly when they are dirty. If cotton clothing items are heavily soiled with sweat or food stains, it can also be an attractive food source for carpet beetles. Make sure to run laundry regularly to prevent the entry of carpet beetles into your home. 
  • Old furniture e.g. natural fiber, wool or silk chairs may attract carpet beetles as they may have animal hairs. These animal hairs are the favorite food of carpet beetle larvae. Likewise, old rugs also favor the growth of carpet beetles.


Precautionary steps to prevent them from returning

Take preventive measures to keep carpet beetles outside your home. Make your home less attractive for them. Do proper research and know about “how many carpet beetles is an infestation” to avoid any damage. 

Try to follow the below-mentioned steps to avoid their return. 

  • Remove lint and hairs by vacuuming and steaming the carpet regularly. Check out our complete guide on How to get hair out of carpet.
  • Keep your remaining food in sealed containers. Also, keep your cabinets clean and mess-free. 
  • Seal your windows and doors to avoid the entry of carpet beetles. 
  • Wash, dry-clean and seal the fur or wool clothing in air-tight bags before keeping them for a long period. 
  • Consult a reputed pest control company and take their services to prevent re-infestation. 

How to kill carpet beetles?

Multiple DIY remedies prove to be effective for carpet beetles. Carpet beetles cannot be eliminated easily. Choose the most effective remedies to get rid of them, otherwise they will populate rapidly. 

Let’s discuss some natural and chemical ways to eliminate them from your living space. 


Natural Methods

Choosing natural methods is a safe and effective way of killing carpet beetles. These are easy to follow and ensure maximum results. Let’s discuss them in detail. 


Mix white vinegar and water in equal proportions. Transfer this solution to a spray bottle and spray it lightly over carpet or rugs. This solution is an effective natural remedy to kill carpet beetles. 


Regular vacuuming is very important to keep carpet beetles away from the carpet. You have to regularly vacuum the rugs, carpets and other fabric-based areas. Also, vacuum thoroughly below the furniture. 

Steam Cleaning

Steam cleaning proves to be the best way to get rid of carpet beetles. This process eliminates the eggs and larvae of carpet beetles. You have to thoroughly clean the suspected or infested areas with steam cleaning. You can use this preventive method regularly in summer and spring. 

Chemical Methods

Chemicals are quite helpful in getting rid of carpet beetle infestation. However, use these chemicals according to the recommended dose. Also, avoid their direct contact with children and pets. 

Boric Acid

Boric acid is quite effective against carpet beetle infestation. You can sprinkle it over susceptible areas to quickly get rid of them. However, avoid its contact with children and pets as it can be poisonous to them. 

Use of Insecticide

There are many insecticides in the market that work great against carpet beetles. Always use an insecticide after consulting with a professional. Firstly apply it over a small area to check whether it’s safe for your carpet or not. 

Also checkout our guide on ” how to get blood out of carpet

Take Professional Help to eliminate Carpet Beetles

If the carpet beetle infestation returns after following all the above-mentioned steps, then consult a Pest Control Company or Carpet Cleaning Service. Their professional team will guide you and suggest ways to get rid of carpet beetles. They provide you with a specialized plan that prevents their return. Their services may include

  • Freeze carpet beetles
  • Spraying an insecticide 
  • Using scent or pheromone traps to control their population.

So what are you waiting for? If your carpet is infested with carpet beetles take immediate action. Hire a professional team and prevent yourself from severe damage.

Final Argument

It is quite challenging to get rid of carpet beetles. But you can make it happen by using natural and chemical methods. If you are going for chemical methods to get rid of carpet beetles, take precautions before using chemicals. If nothing works for you, it is advisable to go for professional help. Also, you should have thorough knowledge of “how do you get carpet beetles” to avoid their return. 

This guide provides you with all the necessary information to manage and eliminate carpet beetles from your home. Hope it helps!

Additional Tips and Recommendations

Cleaning PracticesRegular Dusting: Dust surfaces frequently to remove potential food sources.
Deep Cleaning: Periodically perform a deep cleaning of carpets and upholstery to remove hidden larvae and eggs.
Storage SolutionsAirtight Containers: Store off-season clothing and textiles in airtight containers. Cedar Chests: Use cedar chests or cedar-lined closets to deter beetles naturally.
Home MaintenanceSeal Cracks: Inspect and seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and foundations to prevent entry.
Repair Screens: Fix or replace damaged window and door screens.
Natural DeterrentsEssential Oils: Use essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint in storage areas as a natural deterrent.
Herbs and Spices: Place sachets of cloves, bay leaves, or dried rosemary in drawers and closets.
Regular InspectionsCheck Vulnerable Areas: Regularly inspect dark, undisturbed areas such as closets, basements, and attics for signs of beetles. Monitor Pets: Check pet bedding and areas where pets sleep for signs of infestation.
Textile CareFrequent Laundering: Wash and dry clean susceptible fabrics frequently, especially if they are not used often.
Sun Exposure: Occasionally expose infested items to sunlight, as heat can kill larvae and eggs.
Professional ServicesScheduled Inspections: Schedule regular inspections by pest control professionals to detect and prevent infestations early. Integrated Pest Management (IPM): Consider IPM strategies that combine multiple methods for long-term control.


How to avoid carpet beetles from entering your home?

Follow preventive measures to avoid their entry into your home. Your furniture and rugs should be made up of synthetic fabrics. Make sure to vacuum your carpet regularly and clean the areas below the furniture. Don’t keep dirty clothing in your home and make sure your pantry is clean.

What causes carpet beetles?

The possible reason for a carpet beetle infestation is the dirty carpet. Carpet beetles prefer to eat human and pet hairs, dead skin and dead insects. To avoid this problem, you should regularly vacuum the carpet. 

Where do carpet beetles come from?

Carpet beetles can fly so if you have unsealed windows or doors, they can easily enter your home. They can infest the place where they find natural fibers e.g. rugs, carpets, clothing, etc. 

Are carpet beetles dangerous?

No, carpet beetles don’t cause any harm to humans. However, their airborne fibers result in bumpy skin or rashes in humans. 

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